Did you know that you can make elderflower pancakes with the elderflowers, pretty much straight off the wine?
Elderflower pancakes is to me the ultimate taste of summer, and its something that we often has when I was a kid, after dinner at a camping trip. I can still see my mom at the campfire, cooking dinner and getting excited when she would realize that it was elder flower season.
Elderflowers have been acredited many helth benifits – helping you with the flu, influenza and constipation (According to WebMD). I like adding elderflower to things like my elderflower vinegar or making the ultimate summer drink of elderflower cordial.

When looking for elderflower recipes I am always amazed that I don’t see elderflower pancakes on the list more often.
The batter of these pancakes are quite runny and essentially I guess that the pancakes are fried. But let me explain how we make these perfect summer pancakes!
These eldersflower pancakes are made over a campfire, and for that I have used a campfire pan, with a very long handle. These were at our local supermarket one summer, and we enjoy using them. They are much like these. You can also make these is a cast iron skillet – this is a solid choice on amazon. We eat them with sugar or any kind of jam of choice. I would ask you to taste the elderflower pancakes before you add anything else to them, as they are a treat on their own.
CAUTION: Only eat the flowers of the pancakes. I roast the steams as well because that’s just easier to handle, but you want to eat as little of the green stalk as you can. Only eat the elderflowers.
How to make elderflower pancakes:
Step one: Get some elder flower blossoms. Look for the ones with the most white flowers. If the flowers start to turn yellow its not good. Then you have to leave them and come back when they turn into elder berries (sorry, not sorry!).

Hold the elder flower heads tight and hit them against your other hand, to shake out all the things that are NOT elder flower. This flower is quite popular, and you can find quite a few not wanted things in there. Give it a good shake and dip the heads in water to wash off the rest.
Prepare a campfire, or a get out your stove. Place a pan over the heat, at about medium heat. Poor in some oil or your grease of choice.
Prepare the pancake batter. If you are camping I suggest bringing it in a container that is prepared from home, or to buy one of those shake and bake pancake batter.

Dip the clean and dry elder flower heads in the pancake batter, and fry it on the hot pan.
Serve immediately after they are done – with a sprinkle of sucker. Careful to only eat the flowers and discard all the stems.

Elderflower Pancake Recipe
- Pan that goes on the campfire
- 5 oz flour
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp Powdered sugar (regular sugar will work as well)
- ½ tsp Salt
- 1 fl.oz Milk Or water if you like.
- Melted butter, or similar For the pancake to not stick to the pan
- 15 Heads of elderflower (To start.. If you have more, just make more)
- Add the eggs, sugar, salt and milk and whisk it well.
- Add the flour little by little to the mix
- Add a little melted butter to the mix
- Gently shake the elderflower heads to remove unwanted things in them. Consider NOT washing them, as that will leave most of the flavor on the elderflowers.
- Gently dip the rinsed elder flower heads to the batter.
- Place them in a hot pan over the campfire, with plenty of cooking butter or oil.Careful as they burn easily.
- Remove them stems with a pair of scissors, or dip them in sugar and eat them straight off the vine. Careful to no let the kids eat to much of the stalk as that is not good for you.
I love the sharing that goes on when you make these elder flower pancakes. Everyone gets some and share them around, until there is no more batter or no more elder flower.
Let me know when you will be trying this!
